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Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery

Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery Steering Committee


Prof Zoe Kourtzi  Psychology
Prof Ole Paulsen  Physiology, Development and Neuroscience


Prof Jeff Dalley Psychiatry / Psychology 
Prof Stephen Eglen Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Prof Paul Fletcher Psychiatry
Dr Gregory Jefferis MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology / Zoology
Prof Mark Johnson Psychology 
Prof Ragnhildur Thora Karadottir Wellcome-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute / Veterinary Medicine
Prof Matt Lambon Ralph MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit
Prof Matthias Landgraf Zoology
Prof Máté Lengyel Information Engineering
Prof George Malliaras Electrical Engineering
Prof Timothy O'Leary Information Engineering
Prof Ewan St. John Smith Pharmacology
Dr Marta Zlatic MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology / Zoology

Coordination and support

Luthien Cangemi 

Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery Coordinator

Collaborating initiatives

Ellen Ashmore Cambridge Centre for Data-Driven Discovery
Dr Dervila Glynn Cambridge Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Research Centre

ECRs & PIs Awardees