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Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery

Our main mechanism for enabling collaboration across the areas of neurocognition, neurocomputation and neurotechnology is the provision of pilot grants for interdisciplinary research projects. 


ECR Funding Call 2023 - Closed 2 June 2023

This call invited proposals for Early Career Researcher projects at the intersections of neurocognition, neurocomputation and neurotechnology. Funding will ideally contribute to the professional development of successful applicants, by positioning them to apply for substantial grants and/or positions, as the next step in their research career. Although this call is now closed, you can visit CIND ECR Funding Call 2023 to learn more (sign in with Raven credentials required).


CIND Funding Call 2023 - Closed 24 February 2023

We ran a competitive funding call for collaborative research projects led by two or more PIs from different departments/schools, at the intersections of neurocognition, neurocomputation and neurotechnology. This funding will ideally position projects to apply for significant research funding, and proposals should articulate specific plans to attract further funding. Although this call is now closed, you can visit CIND Funding Call 2023 to learn more (sign in with Raven credentials required).


About Us

The Centre for Integrative Neuroscience Discovery (CIND) brings together researchers working at the intersections of neurocognition, neurocomputation and neurotechnology. We interface between neuroscience, biological sciences, computer science, engineering and the AI and data science community at the University of Cambridge. We enable collaborations across Cambridge’s cross-disciplinary research community in discovery neuroscience that have strong translational potential in the development of AI systems, neurotechnology solutions and clinical applications.